March 29, 2010


Tonight's dinner surprised me, in that I didn't think I had any of them left. Wedged Potatoes with Sliced Beef Steak was my entree, with a Blueberry Lemon Bar for Dessert.

I really enjoy both of these, the entree because it tastes like real food, and the Dessert because... it is tasty.

For my sides, I had a piece of multigrain toast (carbohydrate), some cucumber (unlimited vegetable), some green beans (vegetable), and some Newman's Own Caesar Dressing (fat). I like plain cucumbers, but that caesar dressing with cold green beans is fucking awesome.

The bar has a kind of puffed rice treat base, with blueberries on top, with whatever the hell kind of white chocolate it is they love to wrap diet bars in. The blueberry part is kind of moist, so that's nice.

So, it's occurred to me that this weekend is Easter, and that means extra family about, and various traditions I won't be taking part in this year related to food. We're going to have food around that I love to eat and can't eat, and there will probably be more than a few takeout meals in the mix. This will be my first great test.

There are basically three ways to approach a holiday weekend when you're on a diet:

1) You can say "fuck it" and just do whatever you want.
This is an undesirable option, because it's detrimental to work already accomplished, and it's highly likely to completely derail a diet. This is how I was sidetracked from basically the third week of December to last week. A holiday "special dispensation" led to complete fuckuppery that lasted the better part of 4 months.

2) You can say, "I'll go off diet, but I'll eat appropriate portions and not eat too many things that are awful for me."
I fully believe that there are people who can do this. However, for the reasons stated above, I don't think I can do this. Maybe if I were more than 2 weeks into the diet, I could try that, but I shan't dare to try it, yet.

3) You can say, "I'm going to enjoy the presence of family and friends, but I'm not going to eat what they're eating."
This is going to be my tack. I'm not going to eat with my family, I'll stagger my meal times so that there's not the strangeness of my Nutrisystem tray sitting on the table with the ham. I WILL sit with them for most of their meals, but I won't indulge in a glass of wine or spirits with them, because I still have at least 79 lbs to go before I get to drink again. I just need to remember my higher power: booze. Shit, that's a bad higher power... maybe "booze later" is my higher power. Yeah, that works.

I'm thinking of sitting at the Easter dinner table with some white candles singing, "We shall overcome."

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