March 24, 2010

The Popcorn Challenge

Now, I wasn't really hungry, so I wasn't planning on eating this afternoon. However, about 30 minutes ago, I started to get really hungry. Apparently, another member of the household decided that now would be a fucking awesome time to make some popcorn in the microwave. This is not what I would normally call a "diet food", and I was instantly enraged that they would do this when they knew I was in the first few days of my diet.

However, I can't be angry that someone else, who is not on a diet, is enjoying that freedom. It's easy to get annoyed with other people when you're trying to adjust your fatness, but they cannot be blamed for your fatness. I just need to remind myself, "this is the shit that made you a tubby bitch, is it worth a 5 minute snack to eat more calories than you will in any 2 meals today?" So I calmed down, remained strong, and decided to have my delicious afternoon snack.

I chose the "Zesty Herb Snack Mix". Which is basically soy-heavy trail mix.

This is one of my favorite snacks, as it actually tastes like the normal snack equivalent. After consuming this and waiting several minutes, I now feel fairly full, or, at least, not hungry. Onward to dinner!

1 comment:

  1. To clarify, it was delicious smelling microwave movie butter popcorn.
