July 30, 2011

You're The Devil

You know the drill.  I've only got time to weigh in, then I head to work.

Weight:   290.8bs
Body Fat: 39.9%
Water:    46.6%

Have a good one, Fatheads.

July 27, 2011

No News

Same deal again today.  This makes 2 days in a row of working 12pm-1am, let's go for 3.

Weight:   292.6 lbs
Body Fat: 40.1%
Water:    45.9%

I've been living on takeout for the last 3 days, and that probably won't change until at least tomorrow night, quite probably the weekend.  I didn't drink enough water yesterday, so I'm reasonably certain that these numbers are low.

Ah, well.  Have a good one, Fatheads.

July 26, 2011

Just the Facts

Just numbers, not enough time for more information.

Weight:   295.4 lbs
Body Fat: 40.6%
Water:    45.5%

Enjoy your day, Fatheads.

July 23, 2011

Oh Saturdays

I have a light hangover this morning.  I killed half a fifth of Jose Cuervo while playing halo last night, so it's hardly unexpected, but it's always unwelcome.

Weight:   290.8 lbs
Body Fat: 38.7%
Water:    47%

 I'd say last night was a success.  I had a turkey&bacon sandwich from Jimmy Johns while drinking, and nothing else but fruit.  DISCIRPRINE!

On the way to work yesterday, I grabbed chic-fil-a, and had fruit, a Lean Cuisine Pizza and a granola bar to get me through the remainder of my shift.  I'm heading in later today, and I'm debating packing dinner vs. grabbing dinner out tonight.  On the one hand, packing a dinner means I will eat a good, healthy dinner and snacks.  On the other hand, I am lazy, and it is Saturday.

I'm eating my other turkey and bacon sandwich from Jimmy Johns for breakfast this morning, and then I'm heading off to work to make that cash cash money.

I'd embed the music video, but the only one I saw was the "official" one, and it's the censored version, which is just jarring to listen to, because 3 out of 4 words are blanked out.

Later, Fatheads.

July 22, 2011

Ah, Fatheads, despite a 12-hour shift, yesterday was a successful diet day.  Ate in accordance with the edicts of the one true healthfood schedule.

Weight:   291.4 lbs
Body Fat: 39.2%
Water:    46.6%

This semi-vegetarianism upsets me on a philosophical level, when I allow myself to think of it.  Meat is delicious, meat is good, meat should be a part of my daily diet.

Ah well, I'm planning on grabbing Chic-Fil-A for lunch today (no fries) so that will counter my brief carnistential crisis.  Time to pack dinner and hop in the shower.

Take care, Fatheads.

July 21, 2011

Another Exciting Day

Yesterday mostly turned out alright.  I had to flex out about half of my workday because I was running round looking at an apartment and getting in my application.

Weight:   293.8 lbs
Body Fat: 40.5%
Water:    45.6%

As a result, I ate breakfast and a late dinner at home, but had to grab Chic-Fil-A for a late lunch (4:30ish).  Seems to have turned out alright, though.


I'm grabbing breakfast and crafting a mine at the moment, then on to shower.  I will never make a Minecraft video, because I work for a living.

Later, Fatheads.

July 20, 2011

Stupid Phone

Old Droid, original flavor, died, so I had to order a Droid 3 rather than waiting for Bionic to come out, and I am rather annoyed.

Weight:   295.2 lbs
Body Fat: 40.4%
Water:    45.7%

 I am running super behind, so here's an amusing song to play me off.

Later, Fatheads.

July 19, 2011


Had a fun night at work yesterday.  Ended up grabbing Mexican for dinner with a coworker, and had two chic-fil-a sandwiches for breakfast.

Weight:   297.2 lbs
Body Fat: 40.9%
Water:    45.3%

 Just grabbed 2 eggs, a slice of toast, a peach and a banana for breakfast.  Packing lunch/dinner for work right now, then grabbing shower and heading in to the office.

Played some Ms. Splosion Man this morning, and it is as fantastic as the first one, of course, now I'm short on time for everything else.  Enjoy turtles, Fatheads.

July 18, 2011

A Taste of The Future

I had two 12-hour days at the plant this weekend, so I'm beat.  I had to go on takeout yesterday.  Grabbed a medium Arby's roast beef sandwich for lunch (no fries) and a five guys bacon cheeseburger with fries for dinner.

Weight:   297.8 lbs
Body Fat: 41%
Water:    45.2%

 I'm down from Saturday, at least.  I'm pretty much stuck grabbing takeout today, because I'm low on groceries and I haven't had time to get to the store.  My plan's to grab a sandwich only from Chic-Fil-A for breakfast/lunch on the way to work, and then grab dinner from Panera, either a salad or a sandwich with an apple or somesuch.  I think I still have a few oranges I can toss in my bag to keep me going for snacks, so I'll do that.

I guess this is what I have to get used to for the near future.  7-12s is something I've known is coming, but I thought I had more time until it happened.  I'll have to adjust when/how I shop to accommodate a 12 hour instead of 8-10 hour work schedule.

I need to get my fat ass in gear and get out the door, mind the stepchildren, Fatheads!

July 16, 2011

Hungry Drunk

Decided to experiment with drinking night last night with mixed results.

Weight:  295.5 lbs
Body Fat: 40.6%
Water:    45.5%

I stuck to my routine during work and before work, but when I got home, I had a peanut butter sandwich made with raisin bread and an orange, prior to playing Halo and drinking Diet Dr. Pepper and Rum.  You see, I'm a firm believer in a solid carb base prior to commencing to drinking.  At around midnight, I had Jimmy Johns delivered, and I ate a Gargantuan (all the things) before going to bed (I have a Club Lulu, which is bacon and turkey, in the fridge for tonight).

Clearly, this didn't work out perfectly, so I will moderate my activity tonight a little better and see how the results go.  Perhaps I will eat half the Club Lulu prior to consuming adult beverages, and the other half when I go all "I must consume all the things!".

At any rate, I'm grabbing breakfast and setting up my dinner/lunch for work as I usually do, because there's always overtime to be had here. 

Enjoy your Saturday, Fatheads!

July 15, 2011

I'm Not A Tree-Hugger

G'day, Fatheads!

Weight:  294.5 lbs
Body Fat: 40.5%
Water:    45.6%

I'm getting used to living in an office, instead of on the factory floor.  As a result of this, I've come up with a fun new office game!  One thing you don't get on the floor, because of background noise, is people having hushed conversations where they're clearly trying to discuss something private/proprietary/etc without being overheard.

The game is this: immediately upon walking by/noticing one of these, you march right up to them and say, "everyone can hear what you're saying and it is incredibly offensive!"  After this, walk away quickly before they have a chance to respond.


I just stumbled that, thought that everyone should enjoy it.

For dinner last night, I had a Lean Cuisine pizza, some romaine lettuce and light ranch dressing, a peach and some yogurt.  For lunch, I had a yogurt and a peach.  I had 2 South Beach bars for snacks at different points.  It occurs to me that I am essentially eating like a lacto-ovo vegetarian, apart from the Lean Cuisine meals.  This concerns me, as I'd hate to be taken for some kind of hippie.

I'm going to go grab breakfast, prepare lunch and get ready for work.  I don't think I'll have time for a workout this morning, but if I finish eating in about 20 minutes I may.

Gettin' to it, Fatheads!

July 14, 2011

The Taste You'll Get Used To

I was at work until after 3am last night, not for any exciting or challenging project, but because I got deep into some training that I didn't want to stop until I'd finished it.

Weight:  296.4 lbs
Body Fat: 40.4%
Water:    45.7%

Of course, that's not such a terrible thing, it's always nice to get payed, after all, and this means I can use less vacation for my time off, last week.  I had some dry lettuce, some manner of Lean Cuisine spring rolls, some carrots and a Light&Fit yogurt for dinner last night.  I had 2 South Beach snack bars, some carrots and a yogurt for lunch.

On the way home, I had to stop at the supermarket for essentials such as lettuce, salad dressing (ate just dry lettuce for lunch yesterday, it was unappetizing) and laundry detergent.  So glad that the nice one by me is 24 hours.

This morning, I'm eating the same thing I did yesterday (not even giving you a new picture).  Kashi cereal, a slice of raisin bread toast, a banana, and a peach.  On the subject of the Kashi cereal: always amazing to me how much better health food tastes when you haven't allowed yourself to eat real food for a couple of days.

 Not exactly "new" but new enough to me.

I'd seen this before, but I came across it yesterday morning before I went to work, and it made me laugh... and cry a little.

Didn't get to working out yesterday, just didn't have the time before I had to get ready for work.  Going to be a similar story today, since I woke up fairly late.  Maybe tomorrow morning?

Later, Fatheads!

July 13, 2011

Ecce, Ego Loquor Latine!

Man, I hate waking up late.

Weight:   298.8 lbs
Body Fat: 41.1%
Water:    45.1%

Ate half a bag of lettuce, 2 tbsp of light bleu cheese dressing, 2 south beach snack bars, a lean cuisine spring rolls meal (half a package), some carrots, an apple and an orange at work yesterday.  Microwaved a mess of popcorn via brown paper bag method last night when I got home, and it is so much better than air-popped if you like it slightly burnt (and I do!).  Thank you, person who introduced me to this method.

At any rate, I'm eating some more of this Kashi nonsense for breakfast, along with a slice of raisin bread toast, a peach and a banana.

Don't know if I'll have time to work out this morning, as I woke up at 8:30 instead of 8, and yesterday I was pushing the bounds of lateness, but I shall if I have time, and put it on a later entry if I do.

Still need to put together a lunch for today, so I'm going to get to that.

Do it, Fatheads!

July 12, 2011

Fatass, How The F*** Does That Work?

I did not want to be awake this early, but there's not really a drawback to it.

Weight:   301 lbs
Body Fat: 42%
Water:    44.4%

I need to do some laundry this morning, so it's probably just as well that I'm up.  I,m having 2 scrambled eggs, a piece of raisin bread toast, a plum and a banana for breakfast.

Hell, being up this early, I may even get my fat ass on the elliptical for a bit, who knows?(7am)

43 mins Elliptical Trainer

Polar HRM
Calories Burned: 625
Max Heart Rate: 173
Avg Heart Rate: 151

 You know, when I originally formatted this, I don't know why I did it that way.  The Polar report gives the average heart rate before the max heart rate, so it would have made sense to format it that way.  Just dumb, I guess.

I rocked out to the various electronic and dance sounds of the iPod Shuffle while watching SLC Punk, and I have to say that New Order - Confusion was an amusing juxtaposition with the punk club scene.

This is completely unrelated to anything, ever, YOU'RE WELCOME!  Now I need to clean myself up and head to work.  I packed lunch/dinner/snack before I got on the elliptical, so I'm good to go.

Later, Fatheads! (10:40am)

(on a side note, I have never purchased an ICP album or song)

July 11, 2011

Back In The Saddle

Back in the saddle.  First full standard work-day with groceries in tow and appropriate wakeup time, and I'm comfortable calling it a success.

I'm engaging in more fruit consumption than I did when I was on Nutrisystem, largely because it is summer, I live in the south, and peaches are fantastic... the oranges are more a product of "it goes in my bag without needing any packaging".  Today, I consumed 1 bag of romaine lettuce (it's a cheap way to keep my lazy ass from finding excuses not to have salads) which was spread across my lunch and dinner, a small thing of carrots (I need to measure my tupperware sizes), 1 small Fuji apple, a yogurt (60 cal Light&Fit, because I'm like, totally soul-sisters with Heidi Klum, ya'll!), and a BBQ Chicken Pizza from Lean Cuisine for dinner.  Oh, and some manner of Maple South Beach Snack Bar.

I think the Lean Cuisine Pizza I ate may actually have new packaging, but whatever, it was good.  Keep in mind, this food was spread across a 10-hour period, and was mostly portioned around a meal at noon and another at 6ish.  When I got home, I ate a peach and an orange, because I was hungry, and I don't really have anything around I can be bad with, except possibly popcorn... but I don't have any butter, and air-popped bare popcorn is not delicious.

That's enough nonsense for me for one night, I'm trying an electronics off at 11 rule, and this isn't the only thing I wanted to use my computer for tonight... I didn't mean to make that joke, I need to pay bills.

G'night, Fatheads!
Happy Monday, Fatheads!

Weight:   306.4 lbs
Body Fat: 42.8%
Water:    43.8%

Of course, to those of us who worked the weekend, this day carries none of the awful stigma that it does for the rest of you.  I ended up continuing to eat fast food through lunch yesterday, but finally made it to the grocery store last night.

I have stocked up on various fruits and vegetables, as well as a box of some terrifying Kashi cereal and a stack of Lean Cuisine meals.  I'm grabbing a breakfast right now of a cup of whatever this cereal is made of (fiber?) and skim milk, an apricot, a banana, a yogurt and a slice of raisin bread toast.

Of course, there's also the half-gallon of water I choke down with breakfast.

Words of wisdom to get you through Monday.

July 9, 2011

Saturday Night's Alright for Working

Stumbled a bit yesterday, as I still haven't quite made it to the grocery store.  Grabbed Arby's for lunch, Chic-Fil-A for dinner and ordered some JJ's for second dinner (hey, I'm on a 10am-2am wakefullness schedule, gimme a break).

Weight:   303.8 lbs
Body Fat: 42.3%
Water:    44.2%

On the plus side, I think I did quite a bit of good work towards re-hydrating yesterday.  I'm having a JJ's sandwich for "breakfast" as well (Club Lulu) before I grab a triple-S and head in to work.

I'd like to poison your mind.

July 8, 2011

Good Vacation

Howdy, ya'll!

Weight:   303.8 lbs
Body Fat: 42.5%
Water:    44%

Well, I just got back from a 6.5 day vacation, and I'm itching to get back to work and back on a decent food routine.  I'm now working noon to 9 or so most days, although I need to flex time for 3 days this week and half a day last week, so I'm going to be working over the weekend and more like 11am-10pm most days for a bit.

I'm working on exactly what my new schedule's going to be, as far as food and working out are concerned.  I'm thinking about an 8am wakeup, followed by breakfast, workout, showering/personal time, and then a light lunch when I get to my desk (fruit/granola bar/yogurt sort of thing).  I'll probably have a snack around 3 or so (similar choices to lunch) and then have a full dinner at 6 or 7.  I'm not 100% on what I'm going to start doing for the dinner meal, but salad+Lean Cuisine (or the large quantity of Nutrisystem I have in my pantry) seems the likely choice.

I'm not currently planning on re-upping my Nutrisystem order.  I have a large amount of the stuff sitting around in very asymmetrical quantities, and the hassle of having more ordered/delivered when I want to be free to take non-local temporary assignments is not worth it.

I'm stuck with takeout for food today, but I'm going to go grocery shopping tonight when I get off of work (the nice grocery stores here are 24/7).  Back to a regular update schedule soon.

July 1, 2011

How Can An Airboat Be Selfish?

.So I'm going dark for a few days again, because I'm taking a vacation, and I don't intend to bring my personal computer or my scale on this trip.

Weight:   296.6 lbs
Body Fat: 41%
Water:    45.2%

 I'm off on another road trip, with my swank new ride.

It is good to not be unemployed.  I took this on the Blue Ridge Skyline Drive in North Carolina a few weeks ago.


Leaving this evening for the 4th of July weekend and a bit beyond.  Kick some ass for the Fourth, Fatheads.