July 23, 2011

Oh Saturdays

I have a light hangover this morning.  I killed half a fifth of Jose Cuervo while playing halo last night, so it's hardly unexpected, but it's always unwelcome.

Weight:   290.8 lbs
Body Fat: 38.7%
Water:    47%

 I'd say last night was a success.  I had a turkey&bacon sandwich from Jimmy Johns while drinking, and nothing else but fruit.  DISCIRPRINE!

On the way to work yesterday, I grabbed chic-fil-a, and had fruit, a Lean Cuisine Pizza and a granola bar to get me through the remainder of my shift.  I'm heading in later today, and I'm debating packing dinner vs. grabbing dinner out tonight.  On the one hand, packing a dinner means I will eat a good, healthy dinner and snacks.  On the other hand, I am lazy, and it is Saturday.

I'm eating my other turkey and bacon sandwich from Jimmy Johns for breakfast this morning, and then I'm heading off to work to make that cash cash money.

I'd embed the music video, but the only one I saw was the "official" one, and it's the censored version, which is just jarring to listen to, because 3 out of 4 words are blanked out.

Later, Fatheads.

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