July 15, 2011

I'm Not A Tree-Hugger

G'day, Fatheads!

Weight:  294.5 lbs
Body Fat: 40.5%
Water:    45.6%

I'm getting used to living in an office, instead of on the factory floor.  As a result of this, I've come up with a fun new office game!  One thing you don't get on the floor, because of background noise, is people having hushed conversations where they're clearly trying to discuss something private/proprietary/etc without being overheard.

The game is this: immediately upon walking by/noticing one of these, you march right up to them and say, "everyone can hear what you're saying and it is incredibly offensive!"  After this, walk away quickly before they have a chance to respond.


I just stumbled that, thought that everyone should enjoy it.

For dinner last night, I had a Lean Cuisine pizza, some romaine lettuce and light ranch dressing, a peach and some yogurt.  For lunch, I had a yogurt and a peach.  I had 2 South Beach bars for snacks at different points.  It occurs to me that I am essentially eating like a lacto-ovo vegetarian, apart from the Lean Cuisine meals.  This concerns me, as I'd hate to be taken for some kind of hippie.

I'm going to go grab breakfast, prepare lunch and get ready for work.  I don't think I'll have time for a workout this morning, but if I finish eating in about 20 minutes I may.

Gettin' to it, Fatheads!

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