July 13, 2011

Ecce, Ego Loquor Latine!

Man, I hate waking up late.

Weight:   298.8 lbs
Body Fat: 41.1%
Water:    45.1%

Ate half a bag of lettuce, 2 tbsp of light bleu cheese dressing, 2 south beach snack bars, a lean cuisine spring rolls meal (half a package), some carrots, an apple and an orange at work yesterday.  Microwaved a mess of popcorn via brown paper bag method last night when I got home, and it is so much better than air-popped if you like it slightly burnt (and I do!).  Thank you, person who introduced me to this method.

At any rate, I'm eating some more of this Kashi nonsense for breakfast, along with a slice of raisin bread toast, a peach and a banana.

Don't know if I'll have time to work out this morning, as I woke up at 8:30 instead of 8, and yesterday I was pushing the bounds of lateness, but I shall if I have time, and put it on a later entry if I do.

Still need to put together a lunch for today, so I'm going to get to that.

Do it, Fatheads!

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