July 18, 2011

A Taste of The Future

I had two 12-hour days at the plant this weekend, so I'm beat.  I had to go on takeout yesterday.  Grabbed a medium Arby's roast beef sandwich for lunch (no fries) and a five guys bacon cheeseburger with fries for dinner.

Weight:   297.8 lbs
Body Fat: 41%
Water:    45.2%

 I'm down from Saturday, at least.  I'm pretty much stuck grabbing takeout today, because I'm low on groceries and I haven't had time to get to the store.  My plan's to grab a sandwich only from Chic-Fil-A for breakfast/lunch on the way to work, and then grab dinner from Panera, either a salad or a sandwich with an apple or somesuch.  I think I still have a few oranges I can toss in my bag to keep me going for snacks, so I'll do that.

I guess this is what I have to get used to for the near future.  7-12s is something I've known is coming, but I thought I had more time until it happened.  I'll have to adjust when/how I shop to accommodate a 12 hour instead of 8-10 hour work schedule.

I need to get my fat ass in gear and get out the door, mind the stepchildren, Fatheads!

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