July 14, 2011

The Taste You'll Get Used To

I was at work until after 3am last night, not for any exciting or challenging project, but because I got deep into some training that I didn't want to stop until I'd finished it.

Weight:  296.4 lbs
Body Fat: 40.4%
Water:    45.7%

Of course, that's not such a terrible thing, it's always nice to get payed, after all, and this means I can use less vacation for my time off, last week.  I had some dry lettuce, some manner of Lean Cuisine spring rolls, some carrots and a Light&Fit yogurt for dinner last night.  I had 2 South Beach snack bars, some carrots and a yogurt for lunch.

On the way home, I had to stop at the supermarket for essentials such as lettuce, salad dressing (ate just dry lettuce for lunch yesterday, it was unappetizing) and laundry detergent.  So glad that the nice one by me is 24 hours.

This morning, I'm eating the same thing I did yesterday (not even giving you a new picture).  Kashi cereal, a slice of raisin bread toast, a banana, and a peach.  On the subject of the Kashi cereal: always amazing to me how much better health food tastes when you haven't allowed yourself to eat real food for a couple of days.

 Not exactly "new" but new enough to me.

I'd seen this before, but I came across it yesterday morning before I went to work, and it made me laugh... and cry a little.

Didn't get to working out yesterday, just didn't have the time before I had to get ready for work.  Going to be a similar story today, since I woke up fairly late.  Maybe tomorrow morning?

Later, Fatheads!

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