October 12, 2010

"You Used To Update Your BLOG!"

Fine, shut up, here's an update.  Had a great weekend with old friends celebrating the death of someone's manhood, which was, necessarily, bad for me and the immortal souls of everyone involved.

Weight:     315 lbs
Body Fat: 44.7%
Water:      42.3%

So we find ourselves here, with a few weeks to a wedding and my "not as ludicrously fat" clothes feeling a bit tight.  I'm going off the booze until the wedding, and then continuing not drinking until New Year's.

I'm on a bad schedule right now, since I need to make up for some time I took off for weekend travel, but here's roughly what I'm thinking:

9am wakeup/breakfast
10am workout
12pm lunch/shower
2pm work
6pm dinner
11pm home
1am bed

It's a bit off, but I think I can force myself to make it work.  I'd fucking better, I got fitted for my dinner jacket 8 lbs ago.  My rough goal is to get below 295 in the next 18 days.  It's just good to be back in the space of public self-humiliation.  Well, in a more quantifiable way than I've been recently.  Here's a pretty picture:

Later, Fatheads.

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