October 16, 2010

Saturday Morning Weigh-In

So yesterday, I took a Nutrisystem entree (I can't remember which one) a slice of whole wheat bread, some carrots, some cauliflower, 2 apples and several bottles of G2 with me to work, as is my wont.  I ate the apples and carrots over the course of my shift, but decided to have a treat after I left work around 11:30 since I was staying up late to play the video games.

Unfortunately, "go to Wendy's and order something sensible" turned into "go to Wendy's and order all the things".  I got a Baconator (double/standard) with a large fry and 10 piece nugget.  Clearly, I way overdid it.  That being said:

Weight:     306.6 lbs
Body Fat: 43.4%
Water:      43.3%

I'm still moving in the right direction, so I'll call it a stumbling block.  As I've said before, your body can take the occasional "fuck you", and keep on running.  The danger is that it leads to a feeling that you can get away with anything, which is quickly disproven as soon as you try more than a  meal/day of bad behavior.

So the takeaway from that is that I'm having a nice Nutrisystem Turkey Hot Dog for lunch.

Along with some cauliflower and a piece of whole grain bread (which is part of the serving instructions).  I put some nice brown mustard on it because you are a monster if you just eat plain hotdogs.  At any rate, I'm finishing off my cauliflower now, and will probably take today as a day fo rest to continue recovering from my ailment.  I really need to clean my apartment and unpack from the trip last weekend, but I've put it off for 5 days, so why not 6?

I'll, of course, be playing the video games this evening, and may play some this afternoon, but I kind of want to finish the 3rd Stieg Larsson book, so that I can sit around and be upset that they'll take years to publish his last manuscript, and then be annoyed that it'll probably leave too many unanswered questions, because he had planned like, four more books.

Stupid authors and their dying, I'm looking at you, Robert Jordan!  Don't think I don't see you over there, hiding behind Goodkind!  Yes, that motherfucker ripped you off in many ways and it's obvious.  But some of that shit is such basic fantasy tropes it's hard to make an argument about it.  And you know what else?  He fucking put some resolution into each book while building on a bigger mystery.  Not one of his fucking books was just a thousand pages of "here's more puzzles, no I won't solve any of the ones from the PREVIOUS TEN THOUSAND FUCKING PAGES YOU'VE READ".

So what if it's 95% blatant libertarian propaganda with strong COMMUNISTS WILL KILL US ALL AND TAKE MERKUH undertones overtones, I can find it amusing that he thinks he's Ayn Rand with a wizard hat.  So what if your books are better, the characters make more sense, and your characters aren't inhumanly understanding and forgiving of eachothers "flaws".

Oh wait, I guess that means Jordan's books are actually way better than Goodkind's but far more frustrating.  I mean, Goodkind's aren't necessarily BAD or OFFENSIVE, but they're easy to read and the message is delivered without any real-world context that asks you to really think about it.  The challenges are fairly easily overcome by the characters, deus ex machina abounds, and the hero saves the world through the free-market economy.  Could this mean that easy-to-read books in general are possibly not intellectually stimulating?  Could it in fact be argued that the damned things are actually damaging to your ability to progress cognatious thunk?

Well, I'll let you make up your own mind on that.  But there's no such thing as difficult-to-consume propaganda, and the only purpose of propaganda is to reprogram your fucking brain.

Wait, what the fuck was I talking about?  Oh yeah, I'm on a diet, and this afternoon I was gonna read a book in the sun (I kind of fucking love the South, right now), then shoot aliens in a video game.  Yeah, enjoy your Saturday, Fatheads.

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