October 20, 2010

Bonus Evening Post

Since you've all been such good little boys and girls, and I've had a long night and last night's House isn't all that exciting, you get a bonus post!  So I took carrots, cauliflower, some olives, an apple, and A Nutrisystem BBQ Sauce over Beef, Beans and Rice.  When I first got to work, I ate one of my South Beach snack bars.

I only ate the entree, the bread, a Nutrisystem Peanut Cookie, and the apple.  I just didn't feel hungry all shift, or, rather, I didn't find any of the food interesting.  Unfortunately, I had to go fucking grocery shopping at WalMart after work (where else is open at midnight?)

The whole trip was an exercise in self control.  You walk in the door, and there's a goddamned sandwich stand (right after the "please buy these discount day-old baked goods" section).  I like sandwiches, I am what you might call a "sandwich person".  I almost talked myself into "just a six inch sub" but then I moved on to vegetables.  Picked up baby carrots, apples, green beans, and some grapes.  From there, I once again had to walk past delicious baked goods.  Seriously, fuck you, WalMart.

On to the bread aisle, where I picked up a loaf of whole grain, and a loaf of cinnamon raisin, because I live dangerously.  In the same aisle, I grabbed some tea, and looked for honey, because I need some for my tea, and it made sense to me that it would be there.  I did not find the tea, so I continued to the soda aisle, past more fucking baked goods, to grab a couple of 12 packs.  Who the fuck decided that delicious nuts and chips and things need to be in that aisle?

After this, I moved on, past baked goods, past other snacky items, to the checkout, where I allowed myself a tube of peanuts... which I then put back.  I checked out and got the hell out of there, victorious.

So I got home, and had this feast.  2 pieces of burn cinnamon raisin toast, a PB&J sandwich, and some grapes.  Jesus Christ, how wrong has my life gone that THAT is a fantastically decadent post-work late-night meal?

Well, I'll take this opportunity to discuss something that a very few of you might wonder about, and others already probably know because they work in similar circumstances.  At work, cameras are highly verboten.  If you're across the street from the property, and the security force (which operates 3-4 shifts and is ALWAYS fully-staffed) catches you, they will confiscate your camera and film and possibly detain you for the police, even if you're an employee.  If you have a work camera permit, and you take a picture in a part of the plant your permit doesn't cover, roughly the same principles go into affect.  Camera permits only allow you to use company equipment, and only for company business.

The point of all this is that there will not be any pictures of food from work.  I keep meaning to take them before I go to work of my little adorable tupperwares, but I keep forgetting.  When I'm back on first shift, dinner pictures may resume, and I'm going to try and get back in the habit of taking breakfast or lunch pictures, when I actually eat those meals.

Well, I'll probably be up until 3 or 4am, so I'm going to get to watching my Hulu queue, and hope I can wake up at a half-decent hour today.

G'morning, Fatheads.

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