October 15, 2010

Recovery, Continuing Diet

'Allo, fatheads!  So I managed to get through my full night of work last night, and left a little around 1am.  I had 2 apples, some carrots, and a Nutrisystem Grilled Chicken Breast between 2 slices of bread.  Also: a fuckton of cashews.  I'm now out of desk cashews (I brought the remaining cup or so home with me) so that should put an end to my worst current work snacking habit.

Weight:     309.0 lbs
Body Fat: 43.7%
Water:      43.1%

Weight loss continues, and I grabbed a frozen Nutrisystem Toasted Ham & Cheese for breakfast/lunch at about 11.

I rather enjoyed it, and ate that last cup of cashews to wash it down (THEY MUST BE CONSUMED).  So I'm now back to an 8-hour schedule at work, so 2:30ish to 11 tonight, and after that, REACH.  Maybe I should try to head in early so I can REACH earlier.  Later, Fatheads!

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