September 15, 2010

Halo Reach, Scale Failure

So my copy of Halo: Reach, Legendary Edition got here last night, and we've got unbox porn here:

Yes, I'm a nerd forever for buying this, I don't care.  Call it a symptom of still feeling celebratory about finally finding a job.  I plugged in my various codes for spending that much money, ordered a pizza and set down for a solid 4 hours of nerding out.

I'd planned on enjoying Reach's campaign with some friends, but the usual crew either hasn't been convinced to buy the game (1), had their poor Xbox die out of warranty yesterday (1), or had things like "work" interfere with their video game time (the balance).  The real kicker on the dead Xbox was that it was a Halo 3 edition one, that was bought on sale some months after the game's release.

Moving on to what you really crave: my fatness numbers:

Weight:     ? lbs
Body Fat: ?%
Water:      ?%

You will notice that there are none.  You see, my scale has been getting increasingly erratic about turning on recently, and it refused to do so this morning.  Looking at the calendar, I realize I bought it almost a full year ago, and I probably need to replace the batteries.  So I've got them on order from the Amazon, and they should arrive in around 2 days.  I could probably just get them at the store, but they're easy to forget, and I always buy the wrong kind of coin-shaped battery, so I'm going the easy route on this one.

Yesterday, I had a South Beach snack bar for lunch around 11, and had one for a snack around 3.  For dinner, I ordered a buffalo chicken pizza and am eating the leftovers for breakfast.  Now, I'm gonna finish that, and head off to work.

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