September 14, 2010

Reach Day, Early Morning

Well, it's that happy, happy day.  Reach is upon us, and I go to work insanely early, so I can be soloing by 3 o'clock this afternoon.

Weight:     308 lbs
Body Fat: 43.3%
Water:      43.4%

Yesterday, I had a South Beach bar for lunch, and some carrots, a tangerine and grilled cheese for dinner.  I also ate one of these fantastic pastry things I made for work (FNG's always gotta bring food) but I limited my consumption, and didn't bring home any extra.

I just had a nice Nutrisystem Blueberry Muffin, a piece of wheat toast (carbohydrate), an 8oz glass of nonfat milk (dairy), a cup of coffee, and a clementine orange (fruit) for breakfast.  I feel full, and ready to lock the taskbar.  Now, I'm off to grab a quick shower and then work.  Later, bitches.

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