November 12, 2010

Weigh In and Moderated Failure

First, the weigh in, then the news.

Weight:     302.6 lbs
Body Fat: 43.2%
Water:      43.5%

If you read yesterday's blog, you know I was running late when I left for work.  Those of you who follow the twitters know that I also forgot to pack a lunch, and therefore, went and had a quesadilla burger for lunch.

It wasn't the best option, but it was enjoyable.  To help make up for it, I only had some air-popped popcorn for dinner, and spent about 1.5 hours on the Wii Fit Plus.  I'm trying to establish some kind of workout routine, but it's a little hard to do, given that I know I'm back on 2nd Monday, and then I'm going to 1st for at least a week, followed by the disruption of Thanksgiving.

I'm actually considering not going anywhere for the holiday, I'm just really getting settled in here and back to some semblance of a routine, and I don't necessarily want to disturb that with a holiday meal that's all about excess and the boozing.  Travel of that kind also tends to be terrible for diet (though I've shown it can be done, albeit poorly).

At any rate, I'm having a piece of Nutrisystem Frozen French Toast, a slice of whole grain bread (carbohydrate), a juice box (fruit), and 8oz of skim milk (dairy) for breakfast.  I'm going to grab a Nutrisystem Cheesy Mashed Potatoes to take for lunch, and that should get me through the day.

Later, Fatheads.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you didn’t let a minor slip-up completely derail you! You have the right attitude and are really on the right track! If you do end up deciding to attend any Thanksgiving festivities, be sure to check our Facebook page and online community at for tips and suggestions for making healthy off-plan decisions. Keep up the excellent work!
