September 15, 2010

Halo Reach, Scale Failure

So my copy of Halo: Reach, Legendary Edition got here last night, and we've got unbox porn here:

Yes, I'm a nerd forever for buying this, I don't care.  Call it a symptom of still feeling celebratory about finally finding a job.  I plugged in my various codes for spending that much money, ordered a pizza and set down for a solid 4 hours of nerding out.

I'd planned on enjoying Reach's campaign with some friends, but the usual crew either hasn't been convinced to buy the game (1), had their poor Xbox die out of warranty yesterday (1), or had things like "work" interfere with their video game time (the balance).  The real kicker on the dead Xbox was that it was a Halo 3 edition one, that was bought on sale some months after the game's release.

Moving on to what you really crave: my fatness numbers:

Weight:     ? lbs
Body Fat: ?%
Water:      ?%

You will notice that there are none.  You see, my scale has been getting increasingly erratic about turning on recently, and it refused to do so this morning.  Looking at the calendar, I realize I bought it almost a full year ago, and I probably need to replace the batteries.  So I've got them on order from the Amazon, and they should arrive in around 2 days.  I could probably just get them at the store, but they're easy to forget, and I always buy the wrong kind of coin-shaped battery, so I'm going the easy route on this one.

Yesterday, I had a South Beach snack bar for lunch around 11, and had one for a snack around 3.  For dinner, I ordered a buffalo chicken pizza and am eating the leftovers for breakfast.  Now, I'm gonna finish that, and head off to work.

September 14, 2010

Reach Day, Early Morning

Well, it's that happy, happy day.  Reach is upon us, and I go to work insanely early, so I can be soloing by 3 o'clock this afternoon.

Weight:     308 lbs
Body Fat: 43.3%
Water:      43.4%

Yesterday, I had a South Beach bar for lunch, and some carrots, a tangerine and grilled cheese for dinner.  I also ate one of these fantastic pastry things I made for work (FNG's always gotta bring food) but I limited my consumption, and didn't bring home any extra.

I just had a nice Nutrisystem Blueberry Muffin, a piece of wheat toast (carbohydrate), an 8oz glass of nonfat milk (dairy), a cup of coffee, and a clementine orange (fruit) for breakfast.  I feel full, and ready to lock the taskbar.  Now, I'm off to grab a quick shower and then work.  Later, bitches.

September 13, 2010

Weekend Unrest, Hateful Mornings

So I decided to try enjoying my weekend, and took a diet break as an experiment in how it would affect my weight loss.  I went out Friday night for drinks and ate fast food for dinner.  Saturday, I had pizza for dinner and beer for the vidja games.  Sunday I ate leftover pizza for breakfast and had some deli food delivered for dinner.  The result?

Weight:     309 lbs
Body Fat: 44%
Water:      42.9%

Well, we won't be repeating this experiment.  When I go off the wagon, I've realized I'm incapable of going it half-way, so it looks like I'm off the beer for a bit, barring special events.  Now, it's time to grab a quick Nutrisystem breakfast and go to work.  Nutrisystem cereal for an entree, non-fat milk for dairy, a juice box for fruit, and a slice of wheat toast for a carbohydrate will start this week properly.

Oh and now that we've both finished the fight and dropped, it may be noted that tomorrow is Reach day, and there was much rejoicing.  My copy's on pre-order from the Amazon, unboxing porn to follow.

September 10, 2010

Weigh In, Momentum

It's been a good week for getting back on track, now I need to focus on not fucking up this weekend.

Weight:     302.2 lbs
Body Fat: 42.7%
Water:      43.9%

For lunch, yesterday, I had a South Beach snack bar.  For dinner, I had a grilled cheese sandwich (I know, I feel 12, too, but I'm running out the damned cheese), 2 clementines, some carrots and broccoli, and some light ranch dressing.  I had a bunch of these South Beach snack pack trail mix things for dessert, too, which wasn't good.

For breakfast this morning, I enjoyed a clementine (fruit), a Nutrisystem Blueberry Muffin for an entree, 8 oz of non-fat milk (dairy), and a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate).  Now, I'm off to work, and this evening I'll be going out for dinner.  I'm thinking salad.

September 9, 2010

Weigh In, Recap

Hello once again, party people.

Weight:     304.4 lbs
Body Fat: 42.8%
Water:      43.8%

Yesterday, I had a South Beach snack bar for lunch, and I had some peanuts, a tangerine, some carrots and a grilled cheddar sandwich for dinner when I got home from work.  I'll be getting back into the swing of evening blogging soon, I'm still adjusting to my new schedule/finishing the last of unpacking (good lord, it seems like an interminable process).

Now, I'm going to have a quick breakfast of Nutrisystem cereal, non-fat milk (dairy), a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate) and a clementine orange (fruit).

September 8, 2010

Good Morning, party people.

Weight:     312.2 lbs
Body Fat: 44%
Water:      42.9%

To recap yesterday's meals, since I didn't have time to photograph them or write about them yesterday, I had a south beach snack bar for lunch at around noon, and ate a (small) bag of peanuts and some salami when I got home from work and the supermarket around 3:30.  For dinner, I ate some baby carrots and a salami and pepperjack cheese sandwich.  Now, I'm off to eat a nice Nutrisystem breakfast of cereal, an egg (protein), a juice box (fruit) and a slice of wheat toast (carbohydrate).

September 7, 2010

Back to Work

Party People, it's time to rip off the bandage:

Weight:     316.4 lbs
Body Fat: 45.1%
Water:      42%

That's up about 25 lbs from the last time I got weighed in June.  I'm disappointed in myself, but I'm now prepared to do what's necessary to fix it.  My new schedule has me at work, for now, starting at around 6am, so I ate breakfast this morning around 4:15.  I had a Nutrisystem cereal with an egg (protein), a slice of toast (carbohydrate), and a juice box (fruit).

Think I'm back to not drinking or eating takeout until at least October, when I have some pre-planned events I need to attend.  I intend to work out when I get home from work this evening, and I'm taking  a Nutrisystem meal along for lunch.