June 24, 2011

Still Alive

G'day Fatheads.

I know it's been quite awhile, but I have valid excuses!  I've been on travel assignment for the Company for the last 75 or so days, basically.  I was gone for 29 days, then I was on the road for vacation for about 5 days, and then I was gone 2 days later for another 29 days on the road for the Company.  Plus side: I've got top-tier status on most of my travel accounts.  Minus side: I had the company feed me whatever my fat little heart desired.

I was up in the Seattle area for the travel, and I tried to get out for day hikes (that is Mt. Pilchuck), but I was mostly working 7 days a week, with many of those days being 12 hours long.  I mostly ate as I ought, but I certainly had some misbehavior happening, especially for the last week and a half of this past trip.

Weight:   300.4 lbs
Body Fat: 41.5%
Water:    44.8%

So I'm up many pounds from my last weigh-in.  Around 18-20 lbs, and I am very disappointed in myself.  I really considered putting this off for a day or two, but I've never found there's any point in delaying pain.

I really need to develop a schedule that works for me and a healthy diet.  I'm switching to a (nominal) 8-hour split shift (between 1st and 2nd) in the near future (scheduled either 10am or 12pm to 6:30pm or 8:30pm), but that will actually be probable minimum 10-hour days at 6 per week, eventually getting closer to 12/7s, as our workload ramps up.

I'm going on vacation again in another week, but I'm going to try and drop some weight before I do.  While I'm on vacation, I'm probably going to destroy whatever progress I make in the next week, but at least this will put a dent in whatever gain I might make.

Cogito Ergo Doleo, Fatheads, and thanks for the continued support.

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