June 13, 2014

Into the Swing Of Things

Well, Fatheads, to any of you still with me, thank you for not unfollowing in the long absence.  All others may teach their Grandmothers to Suck Eggs.

I just wrapped up a squat challenge for last month along with some coworkers, with the addition that I did one-for-one calf raises for each squat. (Challenge can be seen here)

This month, with today being day one, I've challenged myself and a few others to complete a new challenge.  I'll work up a graphic later, but the essential is for four days in a row, I will do 250 or more squats/calf lifts, and on the fifth day I will rest my legs.

On days 2, 3 and 5 of each cycle, however, I will also do a set of dumbell exercises.  Starting with 50 sets on days 2 and 3, then 60 on days 5, 7 and 8, then 70 on days 10, 12, and 13, etc for 30 days.

The upper body sets will be dumbell curls, vertical press, tricep lift, side tricep lift, wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, and side lifts.  I'm starting with 15 lbs dumbells for everything but the side lifts, which are 10 lbs to start.  If I feel it isn't challenging enough, I will up the weight accordingly.

Yesterday, I woke up before work (on 1st shift, these days) and did 300 squats and calf lifts.  Today was my day off, so I spent all morning working in the garden (over 11000 steps according to the iPhone pedometer) and then did my 300 squats/calf lifts and 50 upper body sets with the dumbbells.

Feeling pretty good about things so far.  We also have an exercise/pedometer thing going on at work now that started last week, so that's why I'm bothering with a pedometer.

As for diet... for a couple of weeks I've been basically doing Atkins+fruit with many of my meals consisting of a protein shake in lieu of actual food.  I'm taking a multivitamin, a B12 complex, and vitamin E.  My calorie counts vary between around 700 and 2500 calories depending on activity level.  Before that, during last month's squat challenge, I was drinking beer during workouts and frequently hitting bars.  Now, I've cut out all but hard liquor, and for a week or two, that's out completely  (although I highly recommend a shot or two of vodka in a pre-workout protein shake if your stomach can take it).

If I perform a morning workout, I have a protein shake (around 120 calories whey protein) with fiber in it.  If it's after work, I'll usually save the fiber for my after-workout shake.  My recovery usually includes some fruit, a protein shake, and one or two eggs (usually hard boiled).

I'm not going to post weight-ins for a bit.  Right now, from around May 10th, I'm down about 25 lbs, and from the beginning of the squat challenge, month one, I am down about 4" on waist size.  Not telling someone I know reads this what my weight is is driving them nuts, so I'm not putting it on here.

Thanks for sticking around, Fatheads, this is the season of pain and change.

October 7, 2013

I Ain'tnt Dead

Jeez, I'd been thinking about starting to post again, but didn't realize it's now been over 2 years since I actually did.  If anyone's still following, post Reader shut-down, I'm happy to have you.  For everyone else, be well.

As those of you who know me are already aware, I recently bought a 1940's house, and moved in.  Working on fixing it up and unpacking is pretty much my entire life outside of work.  I'm also back to working second shift on an alternate work schedule.

My life has been utter chaos for the last year, and it's time to get it back under control.  I'd post my current weight... but I have no idea where the hell my scale is.  I'll get back to posting it once I do.  In closing, this is a tortoise tormenting a cat.

July 30, 2011

You're The Devil

You know the drill.  I've only got time to weigh in, then I head to work.

Weight:   290.8bs
Body Fat: 39.9%
Water:    46.6%

Have a good one, Fatheads.

July 27, 2011

No News

Same deal again today.  This makes 2 days in a row of working 12pm-1am, let's go for 3.

Weight:   292.6 lbs
Body Fat: 40.1%
Water:    45.9%

I've been living on takeout for the last 3 days, and that probably won't change until at least tomorrow night, quite probably the weekend.  I didn't drink enough water yesterday, so I'm reasonably certain that these numbers are low.

Ah, well.  Have a good one, Fatheads.

July 26, 2011

Just the Facts

Just numbers, not enough time for more information.

Weight:   295.4 lbs
Body Fat: 40.6%
Water:    45.5%

Enjoy your day, Fatheads.

July 23, 2011

Oh Saturdays

I have a light hangover this morning.  I killed half a fifth of Jose Cuervo while playing halo last night, so it's hardly unexpected, but it's always unwelcome.

Weight:   290.8 lbs
Body Fat: 38.7%
Water:    47%

 I'd say last night was a success.  I had a turkey&bacon sandwich from Jimmy Johns while drinking, and nothing else but fruit.  DISCIRPRINE!

On the way to work yesterday, I grabbed chic-fil-a, and had fruit, a Lean Cuisine Pizza and a granola bar to get me through the remainder of my shift.  I'm heading in later today, and I'm debating packing dinner vs. grabbing dinner out tonight.  On the one hand, packing a dinner means I will eat a good, healthy dinner and snacks.  On the other hand, I am lazy, and it is Saturday.

I'm eating my other turkey and bacon sandwich from Jimmy Johns for breakfast this morning, and then I'm heading off to work to make that cash cash money.

I'd embed the music video, but the only one I saw was the "official" one, and it's the censored version, which is just jarring to listen to, because 3 out of 4 words are blanked out.

Later, Fatheads.

July 22, 2011

Ah, Fatheads, despite a 12-hour shift, yesterday was a successful diet day.  Ate in accordance with the edicts of the one true healthfood schedule.

Weight:   291.4 lbs
Body Fat: 39.2%
Water:    46.6%

This semi-vegetarianism upsets me on a philosophical level, when I allow myself to think of it.  Meat is delicious, meat is good, meat should be a part of my daily diet.

Ah well, I'm planning on grabbing Chic-Fil-A for lunch today (no fries) so that will counter my brief carnistential crisis.  Time to pack dinner and hop in the shower.

Take care, Fatheads.